- Change the login detailsposted - December 2014
First of all, you should login with your username and password. Then mouseover over your name, and click on "Edit my profile".
In order to change the login details, go to "My Settings" at the left, and click on "Account Settings".
Once there, you can change ei…
I 1 - Manage Email notificationsposted - December 2014
The e-mail notifications are the emails that you receive on your Inbox regarding Tuugo's activities, such as when someone sends you a new message, leaves an evaluation of your company, or if you want to know about our new features, or read our blog articles.
In order to change…
I 0 - Social Profileposted - December 2014
The Social Profile is a new feature that will allow your customers to know you personally, and to know what studies did you do, or where did you worked.
You can either see your Social Profile or Edit your Social Profile.
I 0 - Social networks settingsposted - December 2014
The Social Networks settings allow you to connect to the social networks of your company, in Twitter, and Linkedin, and share your activity on Tuugo within those networks.
The activity that will be published are when you add or edit a company, a product, or when you add compan…
I 0 - Privacy optionsposted - December 2014
On Tuugo you can set your Privacy options, to control who can see your profile and contact you, or what do you want to show on your profile.
In order to do that, mouseover on your Username, and select "Edit my profile" from the dropdown menu.
Then, go to "My settin…
I 0 - Security Settingsposted - December 2014
Your Security Settings can be accesed by logging in into your account, then hover over your username, and then click on "Edit my profile".
At the left, in "My Settings", select “Account Settings”, and there you will find all the settings related to your account.
I 0 - Edit User Profileposted - December 2014
To edit an user's profile, what you have to do is login into your account, then look on the right top corner, you'll see your name next to an icon corresponding to your user, then mouseover on your username and select "Edit my profile" from the dropdown menu.
Once there, y…
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