Your Security Settings can be accesed by logging in into your account, then hover over your username, and then click on "Edit my profile".
At the left, in "My Settings", select “Account Settings”, and there you will find all the settings related to your account.
You can define your IP Security Settings by going to the bottom of the page.
If we find that your account is accessed from another IP that you haven’t used before but of the same country you accessed already from, we will logout you to confirm your identity by relogin.
But we will logout you and will temporarily block your account if it is accessed from another country IP that you haven’t used before. We will also notify you when it happens via email.
You can disable this check by deselecting "Do not check my IP" checkbox on "Account Settings" page in your control panel if it is annoying to you.
We usually do this for security reasons and to protect your account from being hacked, so please uncheck it if you are really sure about it.