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Topic 10 - User profile:
 Manage Email notifications
 posted - December 2014
 Admin: Inés Álvarez - Tuugo Team

The e-mail notifications are the emails that you receive on your Inbox regarding Tuugo's activities, such as when someone sends you a new message, leaves an evaluation of your company, or if you want to know about our new features, or read our blog articles.

In order to change the e-mail notifications, you should hover over your username, and click on "Edit my profile" on the dropdown menu.

User profile - dropdown menu

Once there, at the menu on the left, click on "My settings", and then click on "Email notifications".

Email notifications settings

You can set the email you want to use for notifications. You can either use your Main email (the email which you used to register), you can add a Secondary Email (which will not be displayed on your User Profile, will be only for notification purposes), or you can select not to use either one.

Select email

There, by checking or unchecking the boxes, you can select what you want or don't want to be notified about. 

Email notifications panel

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