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Topic 10 - User profile:
 Social networks settings
 posted - December 2014
 Admin: Inés Álvarez - Tuugo Team

The Social Networks settings allow you to connect to the social networks of your company, in Twitter, and Linkedin, and share your activity on Tuugo within those networks.

The activity that will be published are when you add or edit a company, a product, or when you add companies or products to your favorites.

In order to manage your settings, mouseover on your username, and select "Edit my profile"

User profile - Dropdown menu


Once there, on the menu on the left, select "My Settings" and there, select "Social networks settings".

Social networks settings - Control panel


Once there, you will see the following:

Social networks settings panel


In order to add a social network, click on the "Add to..." link for the corresponding Social Network

Social networks settings - Add to social networks


If you are logged in onto the social network and had approved our app before, it will instantly appear on your settings.

Social networks settings - You are connected


If you are not logged in onto the Social Network, the following will appear:

1. Twitter

Twitter will ask for your authorization to add Tuugo's application.

Social networks - Twitter authorization

Once you finish, Twitter will redirect you to your Social Networks settings page. 


2. Linkedin

Linkedin will ask for your authorization to add Tuugo's application.

Socail networks settings - Authorization Linkedin

Once you finish, Linkedin will redirect you to your Social Networks settings page. 

If you want to disconnect from a Social Network, click on the "Disconnect" link that appears at the right of every social network in which you are connected.

Social networks settings - Disconnect

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