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Topic 11 - Products & Services:
 How to upload products on Tuugo from a CSV file?
 posted - April 2014
 Admin: Valentina Korotchenko

To avoid manual creation of products on Tuugo and import all or certain amount of your company products on Tuugo at once, you can use our “Import products” feature in the Control panel of your company on Tuugo.

To import products from CSV file, you need to complete the following steps:

1. Create a CSV file from the database of your company products.

Please download a CSV sample first and make sure the structure of your file is correct.

CSV file to be imported should hold the data which can be matched with the following product fields on Tuugo:

  • *Product title (up to 100 characters)
  • *Product ID/SKU (should be unique for each row in the file)
  • *Product description (up to 5000 characters)
  • Product category
  • Product subcategory
  • Product subsubcategory
  • Product price (numeric value)
  • Link (to product on the web-site of your company)
  • Product image link
  • Product keywords/tags (which other users will find your product by)

The fields marked with an * are required and cannot be left blank. The rest of the fields are optional.

2. Upload CSV file with your company products details.

upload new csv file

3. Match fields from your feed with corresponding Tuugo fields.

match csv file fields

On the matching step you should set which fields from your CSV file will correspond to product fields on Tuugo. Expand the dropdown menu in the right column, which corresponds to fields from your CSV file, mouseover on any field name in the dropdown and you will see the hint with values of the first 10 rows in your file. It will help you to match proper fields from your file with Tuugo fields.

Product title, Product ID/SKU and Product Description are required fields and cannot be left blank. The rest of the fields you can leave them blank, i.e. do not match with any fields from your CSV file, just leave <Ignore> set in the right column. But it’s better to fill in as many fields as possible to provide your potential clients with comprehensive information about your products and to be easier found on Tuugo.

You should set the currency in the dropdown next to “Products price” field on “Match fields” step. The currency defined here will be applied for all the products imported with this feed.

In the dropdown next to “Product keywords” field you should specify separator, which separates listed keywords in your file. It can be comma, semicolon, whitespace or tab character.

keyword separator - matching

Please note that if your feed is too big, you will have to wait until all the images are uploaded correctly. The delay time will depend on how big is your CSV file, so please be patient.

Also please remember, that if the number of products in your feed exceeds 10 000, you will see imported products on Tuugo with a short delay, as feeds, which contain more than 10 000 products, need to be approved by one of our admins first.

4. View products in your control panel on Tuugo.

If you have created a valid CSV file, successfully uploaded it and matched all the fields properly you will be able to see the products right after automatic import is finished by clicking “View” button at the right of feed name.

Also detailed report about importing process will be shown and the copy of it will be sent on your registration email.

matching report, done 

You can easily update products uploaded via CSV file:

  • In case you have made mistakes during matching, you can change the fields correspondence, currency or set another separator for keywords on the “Match fields” step
  • In case if your products prices, names etc. were changed, you can upload new CSV file instead of existing one and products with the same ID/SKU will be updated with corresponding data from new file.

Please note, after new version of feed file uploading:

  1. Only products with the valid data and filled in all the required fields will be imported
  2. Products with new unique numbers will be added to the company products list, i.e. products which were not listed in previous feed file version
  3. Products with the same unique number in previous and new versions of the feed file will be updated with corresponding data from the new file
  4. Products which are not listed in the new feed file will be removed


update csv feed - matching


Also there is a possibility to delete all the products uploaded via CSV file at once by clicking the  “Delete” button at the right of the CSV file name.


delete csv feed


Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance by clicking corresponding link on the last step of import process.

delete csv feed

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