To avoid manual creation of products on Tuugo and import all or certain amount of your company products on Tuugo at once, you can use our “Import products” feature in the Control panel of your company on Tuugo.
There are 2 options:
Using both options you can easily add huge number of products on Tuugo at once, update them all at once by uploading updated feed instead of existing one, or delete all imported products at once as well. You can even set automatic updates frequency in case of uploading products from RSS feed.
Please note, you can import up to 10 000 products without preapproval and see them on Tuugo in couple of minutes. But if your feed exceeds this limit, you will see the imported products at Tuugo with a short delay, as feeds, which contain more than 10 000 products, need to be approved by one of our admins first.
To open importing products page you should mouseover on your username and select "Edit my business".
Once there, click on "Add or Edit Products". Select "Import Products" where you will see these 2 options of uploading products. Just select the one that you prefer and follow the instructions!
You can also read further instructions in the articles How to upload products on Tuugo from CSV file? and How to upload products on Tuugo from RSS feed?
After the import of products is finished, "All my CSV or RSS data feeds" tab will appear, where all the feeds uploaded will be listed along with date, number of products added via feed, view, update, and delete buttons.