Always keep in mind that in order to register a business, you must have a Tuugo user. So we have different ways to register or login with a new account.
From our Homepage you can use different social networks, or use your Tuugo account.
Always Tuugo will send you an email to your account with which you have registered, to welcome you to our company directory.
It takes you to a page, in which you can see several options.
In order to Login with a Tuugo account, enter your email and password, and click on the "Login" button.
In order to register a Tuugo account, on the Homepage, click on the Register link.
Once there, a page will display. Select an option, or just register an user, by clicking "Just create my Tuugo account" .
Fill your email, password, captcha, check our Terms of Use, and click on the "Register" button.
An activation email will be sent to you. Login into your email account, and click on the verification link. Once you do it, you will be redirected to Tuugo's homepage.
With Facebook, you have the option to login directly in our Homepage, on the top right corner.
Or, if you click on the Login link
It will take you to our Login page, in which you can select logging in with Facebook.
If you choose either one, a Facebook login page will appear.
Once you have logged in, it will require you to grant permission to access your public profile, friends list and email address.
And the next window will ask your permission to publish your profile picture on the wall of Tuugo, which you can display publicly or not.
And finally you will be redirected to the Tuugo page with your Facebook logged in.
To get in through Gmail, you have to click on the Login link at our Homepage
Then, the Login page will appear. Select "Login with Gmail" button.
Next, it will show you a Google window to login into your account.
Once you have filled your information, you´ll see another window indicating that Tuugo need your permission to run this application. As you can see, it asks you to share certain things like data, email, photos, etc.
Finally if you agree to this, it will take to Tuugo with your Google user logged in.
To login with your Yahoo account, click on the Login link at the Homepage.
Next, select to Login with your Yahoo account.
Once there, you will be asked to Login with your Yahoo username and password.
There, it will require your permission to access to your Profiles. Click on the "Agree" button.
Once you do that, you will appear at Tuugo's homepage with your Yahoo user logged in.