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  •   Woensdag, 26 Februari 2014

    Underdevelopment, poverty and economy in Africa

     Unlike Asian countries, which in recent decades experienced a growing economy, Africa continues today with severe symptoms of underdevelopment.

    One of the most visible legacies left by colonialism in the continent, was to inherit a very small industry, with a clear predominance of extractive mining activities.
    Africa is a slightly industrialized continent where only 15% of workers are employed in the industrial sector, with only a few countries (Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco) which concentrate all of that activity. More than half of the workers are engaged in rural activities, with subsistence agriculture, having very backward and archaic techniques.
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  •   Dinsdag, 11 Februari 2014

    Can China become the first world’s economic potency?

     Economic changes occurred in Asia (specially in China, besides the four Asian tigers: Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea) were one of the most relevant events of the second half of XX century.

    Even if it’s know that Mao Zedong was the founder of the Popular Republic of China, is its successor Deng Xiaoping the main leader of the reform that turned that country into the great economic and political potency it is today.

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  •   Maandag, 03 Februari 2014

    What is Leadership?

    In this article we present you different visions about leadership, and the importance of it’s characteristics

    Leadership certainly is seen as important for several organizations, and it’s recognized as a powerful tool to command people within an organization, but certainly it’s defined within a romantic vision of what a leader represents.

    Overall, romantic vision of leadership is based on

    • Charisma

    • Power

    • Influence

    Let’s take a look at those.  

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  •   Woensdag, 22 Januari 2014

    How to complement printed advertisement with digital advertisement.

    digital and printed advertisements

    We are going to give you some tips to complement your printed advertisement and take it to the digital world for free.   

    It’s not necessary to compete with something that you can use at your favor. With Digital era, several possibilities appeared that can give life to your printed advertisement.

    Let’s see some choices.

    1 - You can register in Tuugo, add information on Your Business Profile, and complete it with all your Products and Services. Then you can put that link on your Advertisement.

    2 - Along with your Advertisement, you can place a QR Code. With this, a person can scan the code with the smartphone or tablet, and obtain more information about your business directly and instantly.

    But, what is a QR code anyway?

    It’s a system that allows to gather information, similar to a last generation barcode. With the help of a smartphone or tablet (and an app) we can retrieve this information just by pointing the camera towards the QR code.

    If you want to create one, you can try it here:

    The usage of the code is very wide, you can place photos, videos, text, links to social networks and more. Relies on your creativity to know how to take advantage of it.

    3 - You can create a website (there are a lot of sites in which you can create one yourself), and place the link on the advertisement. In the website you can expand the information, and with the e-commerce sell your products or services.

    4 - And you can do all of them together

    Definitely, printed advertisement can be much more effective if it is complemented with digital advertisement, and nowadays there are no problems to achieve it.  

    Do you know any other alternatives to complement printed advertisement? If you do know, share them! It will be helpful for other users.



    André Duarte - Tuugo Blog Team  - Communications Sciences School student - Universidad de la República.



  •   Vrijdag, 17 Januari 2014

    Blog Contributors

    blog collaborators
    What is the Blog?

    It’s a resource that has as an objective being a tool for our users and readers.

    Tuugo understands how important is to share the experiences, knowledge and information. That why and for this resource is created.

    To develop this tool’s maximum potential, we invite you to share your experience and knowledge. That implies that you can share your own article! And that doesn’t require that you have a degree in journalism to do it.

    What should you do to publish your article?

    Read thoroughly the following steps about the publication process.


    Style and Format.

    - We love articles that include practical and real steps.

    - We appreciate articles written in a positive tone.

    - We love articles that can be read today, or within a year, and can remain in force

    - We appreciate those articles that aren’t regional, or for a determined country.

    - We do prefer articles that aren’t very long, no longer than 1000 words at least.

    - Photographies and graphics are also welcome.

    Tuugo’s Team Advices

    - Content should be original since Google penalizes duplicated content as well as that content that infringes property rights. If you use already existing texts, you must own the content’s rights or quote the source of it.

    - Is not a problem if you mention a brand or product, but we want to avoid self-promotion on the blog, bearing in mind that Tuugo is an excellent business directory and has the right tools that your company needs to be promoted from there.

    - In order to increase the visibility, is possible that our team makes (minimum) modifications to your article. These alterations will be duly notified to you via e-mail.
    - Read the chart with the suggested themes..


    Publication process

    1 - You have to subscribe to the Blog

    2 - Send us your article, and also a little description of what you do or study. If you have a blog or articles on the web, you can also send us the links.

    3 - The article will go through a brief review..

    4 - When approved, it will be translated to 5 languages (Spainsh, German, French, Italian and Portuguese)
    5 - When it gets published, we will send you an e-mail with the link.of it.
    6 - We will announce the new article to everyone using emails and social networks. We encourage you to do the same.
    7 - You should send your article to [email protected]
    Suggested thematics


     Analysis of financial statements  




     Indicators of management  


    Business strategy

     Global consulting  

     Consulting Management  

     Strategic planning

    Corporate finance

     Venture Capital

     International financial crisis

     Mergers and acquisitions  

     Risk management

     Financial Tools and Services


    Social and environmental management

     Sustainable development

     Corporate Social Responsibility

     Corporate Governance


    Intellectual property  




     Marketing associations  

     Consumer Behavior


     Price fixing


     Market Research


     Luxury marketing  

     Multi-level marketing (MLM)

     Marketing, Advertising and Sales

     Digital Marketing  


     Internet Advertising


     Mobile Advertising


     Corporate Image

     Mass Media

     Media clipping  


    Management Methods and Tools

     SWOT Analysis


     Change Management


     Process Reengineering



    International Business

     Foreign Trade  

     Chambers of Commerce

     Exporters/Importers Directory

     Trade Organizations

     Services for Importers / Exporters  

     Free Trade Agreements



    Online Business



     Cloud computing

     Online Privacy

     Online Security

     Web 2.0

    Operations and Logistics




     Purchasing Management



     Six Sigma

    Organizational Resources

     Human Resources Associations

     Corporate Climate

     Corporate Culture

     Resources for Human Resources   Professionals

     Magazines of Human Resources

    Management Education

     Conferences and Seminars  


     Knowledge Management


    Relationships with customers


     Customer Service  

    Information Technology

     Technology News

     Development and Programming

     Education and Informatics’ training


     Computer Security

     New Softwares

     Technical support


     Tips, tricks, curiosities and others

    Money and finance  

     Currency and Exchange

     How to invest

     Education Finance


     Transfer and sending money

     Money Transfer

    Entrepreneurship and Small Business

     News for Entrepreneurs


     Business incubators

     Business plan

     Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)


     Business Associations

     Competitive Intelligence

     Companies Directories

     Companies’ Rankings

    Management skills  

     Time Management



    Business communication

     Business Presentations

     Creativity in Business


     Personal Development



     Business Ethics

     Project Management


     Innovation in Business

    Business Intelligence

     Emotional intelligence


     Crisis Management

     Stress Management


     Labour reflections  


     Conflict Management  


     Business Meetings


